If you know me then you have either (a) met Beebe or (b) have heard about Beebe. If you haven't met or heard about Beebe. Allow me to introduce her:
This foxy lady is my salty-tounged grandmother. Rosemary Sue Williamson Schurr is take no prisoner's-kind-of-broad. Beebe is also honest, very honest. Honest to a fault. She's so honest she could (and has) made grown men cry. Don't ask for her opinion because you'll get it. Even if you don't ask for it, you still get it. So, needless to say whenever I look in the mirror or say something salty myself I am reminded that I am my grandmother's image. And proud of it.
However, there come times when I either (a) want to say something so badly that I do or (b) say it and not think twice about it or (c) say it and feel bad for about 3-4 seconds. Suffice it to say there are things that should never be said.
It should never be said that people that drive mini-vans are the worst drivers in the world and should have their licenses revoked. Seriously, not only are these eye sores on the road but Jesus Christ, these people are absolute idiots. They don't know how to drive on highways and they take forever at McDonalds. I hate hearing their excuses, "Oh, it has excellent storage, " or "The gas mileage is so good." NO!!!!
It should also never be said that some babies are really, really ugly. I mean, like, dog ugly. I mean. like, prisoner with horrible tatoos ugly. What's worse than ugly babies are the lies that people say about babies. I hate having to lie to people about their babies. Nor should I feel made to lie about how your baby looks just like you. Honey, I wouldn't want something that looks like a red-headed, pasty-faced, she-devil from hell looking like me. Furthermore, all infants look like aliens until they are about 8 to 10 to 12 weeks old. Please don't make me go on and on about how cute it is or how they're already gifted. Come on...It's a freakin' baby...Calm down...
It should also probably never be said that children are annoying as hell. I hate most children. I only like well behaved ones. I never have ever bought the argument that "He or she is strong-willed," or "They are in a phase right now." Yeah, honey, I know that phase. It's called being a lazy parent who'd rather take the easy road than discipline thier child. I know strong willed people. Have you met me? My mother disciplined me and I'm a productive, healthy, educated member of society. Somewhat anyway. Other mothers who didn't disicpline...Well, let's just say their kids are... I'm not perfect and can list my faults faster than you can. Keeping all this in mind, keep your kid or kids on a leash. They will only do what you allow them to do. They will only act like an ass if you allow them to. Parenting does not consist of yelling your kids name from across the house when they do something wrong. Sometimes parenting requires you to get off your ass and be proactive not reactive. May if you pro-act instead of re-act you won't be sitting there in a parent conference while your kid is on the verge of being suspended from school. My kid is smart and a smart ass but he only gets away with so much before he and Jesus have a talk. This kid is so afraid of Jesus but that's another story. I'll tell you what-we can go to museums, restaurants, movie theatres, most other places because my kid knows how to act. And its a hard job cause he's not my friend, he's my son.
The list goes on and on. It should also probably never be said that he or she doesn't like you if they don't call you back. It should also never be stated that not everyone likes your spouse. It should also never be stated that some people are dumber than boxes of hair. It should probably never be stated that your not as smart as you think you are. But all that's for another day.
Happy Monday!!!
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