Merriam Webster defines faux pas as a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct. Well, that may be fine with Merriam Webster but a faux pas to me is defined as looking ugly while you think you look cute. Honey, you are a grown woman. Why did we ever think it appropriate to wear these things but what’s even more disturbing is that people still wear these things.
1. Daisy Dukes – These are only appropriate if you are poor white trash. This article of clothing is so slutty a group called the 69 Boyz writes “I love the girls with a big ‘ol booties/But where I’m from they call them dukies/Pretty round cheeks hangin’ from da jeans.” Really? Really?
2. Fanny packs – Not even Rain Man wore a fanny pack.
3. Inappropriately whorish clothing – A hint for you: I don’t want to see your tata’s or your ass and no one does either. The sad thing is is that you wonder why you’re still single.
4. Truck driver hats – Reason #489 why I hate Brittney Spears
5. Mullets or any hair style not designed by a gay man – Do I really need to explain?
6. Shoulder pads – Explain to me why I want to look like a line backer, again?
7. Belly Shirts – Hello! You’re not 3 years old. For the love of God, put a jacket on.
8. Overalls – Asses are big and ugly enough without being made even bigger by something a farmer used to wear.
9. UGG boots-It has to be said that UGG boots stand for UGLY boots. Ladies, Pam Anderson wears these on a daily basis and you chastise her for years until you realize “oh these are so comfortable,” (which they aren’t). They look like jacked up astronaut shoes. Don’t even get me started but I think my friend Lauren’s mom says it best, “Take those stinky fake UGGS off.”